A feedback form is a tool used to collect valuable insights and evaluations from participants about a specific session. It helps gather their opinions on various aspects of the session, such as content, delivery, and overall effectiveness. Below mentioned are the two types of Feedback forms on the platform:

After creating a Participant Group and Session, a default feedback form with either 6 or 11 questions is automatically assigned based on the focus area or region.

To enhance flexibility, iECHO includes a form builder that allows Hubs to customize and add questions to the feedback form as needed.

Types of Forms available: (Click Arrow to View)

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_red.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_red.svg" width="40px" /> It is recommended to avoid editing the standard feedback form. If you edit the existing form*,* it will not get reflected in the Feedback Dashboard. However, you can add additional questions as needed to gather more specific information.

Heres’ how You can conduct Feedback:

The preloaded questionnaire link is activated 20 minutes before the session's end time.

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If you’d like to gather feedback for a previously conducted session:

  1. Select the program by choosing View All Programs.

  2. Choose a participant group, then select the session for which you’d like to collect feedback.

  3. Click Copy Feedback Link and share it with participants using the quick email feature, or create an announcement requesting their feedback.


Check this video tutorial for conducting Feedback:
