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<aside> 👥 The Discussion Forum is a collaborative space for Hubs and participants to interact with each other, post updates, ask questions, and receive answers fostering knowledge-sharing within the participant group.

Announcements on iECHO provides hubs with a space to share important updates with the participants.

Conversations on iECHO provides a platform for hubs, participants, and subject matter experts to engage with one another.


<aside> ❗ Please note, all programs created after 17th May 2022 will have this feature enabled for all participant groups created under it. To enable this feature for any previously created program, please write to us at [email protected].


This Discussion Forum functionality is available at a participant group level. To access the discussion forum follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Click on ‘View More’ on the homepage
  2. Select the program
  3. Select the participant group
  4. Click on ‘Discussion’ to be able to post a question or share an answer to an existing question.
  5. There are two tabs under Discussions - ‘Announcements’ and ‘Conversations’


‘Announcements’ is a space for Hub Teams to post program and participant group updates such as:

Here’s how you can post an Announcement:

  1. Navigate to ‘Discussions’ Tab