Uploading content to iECHO is an essential part of sharing knowledge and collaborating within the ECHO community. To ensure a smooth and efficient experience, please follow these guidelines and best practices:

Supported File Types

Before uploading, ensure that your file is one of the following supported formats:

File Size Limit

Uploading Larger Files

If you need to share a video or presentation larger than 100 MB, we recommend using third-party services such as YouTube or Google Drive. Simply upload your file to one of these platforms and share the link in your iECHO session or document.

Best Practices for Uploading Content

  1. Optimize File Sizes:
  2. Ensure File Naming Consistency:
  3. Check File Format Compatibility:
  4. Use Web-Friendly Formats:
  5. Test Audio and Video Playback:
  6. Include Alternative Formats:
  7. Monitor File Permissions: