Thank you for your continuous feedback and escalation on issues pertaining to iECHO. We have fixed an important attendance reporting issue and improved our reporting terminology, control over program information and communications.

Issue Resolved: Difficulties downloading attendance reports.

Underlying Issue: Attendance data captured by Zoom did not reach iECHO database reliably; attendance data errors for sessions with more than 1,500 participants.

Resolution: We have rectified these issues and rigorously tested the fixes. iECHO is efficiently processing large datasets and seamlessly fetching reports from Zoom.

Action Required:

Two New Enhancements:

1. Update in Reporting Terminologies:

We have updated certain reporting terminology for improved clarity and understanding:

Participant Data reports will be accessible 24 hours after the session end time.

2. Improved Program Admin Permissions

You asked, and we listened! Our users wanted more control over program communications and information. Now, you can now limit these settings to specific programs by:

  1. View All Programs
  2. Select the desired program
  3. Select Manage Permissions