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In large organizations, different admins handle different programs. iECHO allows hubs to assign specific admins to specific programs, enabling them to better manage their workflow. The view and edit permissions can be customized to meet the Hub's requirements.

Here’s how the hub owner and admins can manage program permissions:

  1. Click on ‘View Programs’ to view all programs.
  2. Select the program, Click on ‘Manage Permissions’ to manage the permission for a specific program.
  3. A list of admins will appear, select which admin will have the ‘edit’ and ‘view’ permission for that program basis your requirements.

<aside> 💬 Please note admins who are not assigned to a specific program won’t receive any communication updates pertaining to the program.


<aside> ⚠️ As an Admin, you cannot edit the Admin permissions for a program assigned to you.



University of Psychological Sciences is a Hub dedicated to the comprehensive study and advancement of the field of psychology. They are currently running the following programs:

  1. Master of Science in Autism Diagnosis and Intervention for Adults ECHO program
  2. Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling with a focus on Integrative Therapy Approaches ECHO program
  3. Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Trauma-Informed Care and Resilience Building

These programs are independently spearheaded by three different Admins: Arya Sawyer, Elena Sparks and Noah James respectively. Providing them with specific access to only relevant programs would ensure:

  1. Confidentiality and Data Security: Each program may involve sensitive information related to students, research, or clinical cases. By assigning specific admins to each program, the university can control access to this information, ensuring that only those directly involved in the program have access to relevant data. This helps maintain confidentiality and data security, crucial considerations in the field of psychology where privacy is paramount.
  2. Workflow Management: Different programs may have distinct workflows, tasks, and priorities. By assigning dedicated admins to each program, the university can streamline workflow management. Admins can focus on their respective programs without being inundated with irrelevant information or tasks from other programs, thus improving efficiency and productivity.
  3. Effective Communication: By customizing permissions, admins receive communication updates only for the programs they are involved in. This ensures that admins stay informed about relevant developments, updates, and announcements, facilitating effective communication within the university.
  4. Preventing Overload: Admins are spared from unnecessary information overload by restricting access to programs they are not leading. This prevents them from being overwhelmed with data and tasks unrelated to their responsibilities, allowing them to focus on their core duties effectively.