Promotional emails are tailored to highlight the platform and enhance brand visibility, ensuring they resonate with your interests. At iECHO, we prioritize thoughtful communication, ensuring that our emails are both relevant and not excessive. We limit promotional emails to three key emails to keep our communication streamlined and valuable.

Promotional emails include:

If you prefer not to receive promotional emails, here’s how you can unsubscribe:

  1. Login to iECHO and click on the dropdown menu next to your name / picture on the top-right of the screen.
  2. Select Edit Profile from the dropdown menu next to your name / picture on the top-right of the screen.
  3. Scroll down on the Personal Details section and go to Communication Details .
  4. Uncheck the Subscribe to iECHO Promotional Updatesoption.
  5. Click Save to apply the changes.

Watch this video tutorial to unsubscribe promotional emails.

unsubscribe promotional

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