This CSV file includes detailed attendance data for each Hub, covering participation metrics from all Programs and Participant Groups. It provides an overview of attendance patterns and engagement levels, making it easy to identify trends and insights across different programs and participant groups.

If a session has been recently conducted, we recommend downloading the data export 24 hours after the session's end time to allow for proper reconciliation.

Here’s how you can access this report:

Watch this video tutorial to download organization level CSV report:

all programs

Understanding Reports

  1. There are various Roles defined in the Data Export. Following is an explanation for each role:
  1. Details of the metrics used in the data export:

    Fields Description
    Hub Name Name of the Organization that conducts ECHO Programs
    Total Sessions conducted Total sessions conducted across all programs by the Hub
    Launch Date (First Session Conducted Date) Date of the First session conducted in any program within any participant group
    Number of Participants All the unique users (irrespective of status - Active or Invited) for any program/participant group/session in that Hub. This includes every role (Org Team, Attendee, SME)
    First Name First name of the person who has registered for one or more programs conducted by the Hub
    Last Name Last name of the person who has registered for one or more programs conducted by the Hub
    Status iECHO activity status in the Hub - Active or Invited

    Active: Registered on the iECHO Platform Invited: Invited to the iECHO Platform | | Title | Job Title/designation of the person who is part of the Hub | | Academic Qualifications | Formal certifications or degrees obtained through educational institutions by the person if added. | | Areas of Expertise | A specialized field or subject in which the person possesses advanced knowledge, skills, and experience | | Email | Email Address of the person | | Country Code | A numerical prefix used to specify the country associated with a phone number when making international calls Example: (+91) for Indian Phone Numbers | | Phone Number | Phone number of the person | | Roles | Role assigned to the person. Role could be - Hub Admin, Attendee

    Read More about Hub Roles | | Facility/Institute | Place of Work or Learning for a person | | Facility City/Town | City/ town where the Facility/Institute is located | | Facility District/Country | District/Country where the Facility/Institute is located | | Facility State/Province | State/Province where the Facility/Institute is located | | Facility Country | Country where the Facility/Institute is located | | Profession | Occupation that requires specialized training, expertise, and adherence to ethical standards.

    Example - Nurse, Physicians etc. | | City / Town | City / Town where the person resides | | District / County | District / County where the person resides | | State / Province | State / Province where the person resides | | Country | Country where the person resides | | Gender | Person specifies their gender identity for example - Male, Female, Non-binary or Prefer not to disclose | | Time zone | Different regions with their own standardized time to keep schedules consistent across the world. Example - India Standard Time (IST) is the time zone used in India, which is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+5:30). | | Primary Speaking Language | The chosen language in which the platform communicates with the person | | Participant Enrolment Date | The date on which the person registered for the program within a participant group | | Program A (No. of sessions joined) | Number of sessions joined in Program name ‘A’ by the person | | Program B (No. of session joined) | Number of sessions joined in Program name ‘B’ by the person | | Program C (No. of session joined) | Number of sessions joined in Program name ‘C’ by the person | | Cases Presented | Total number of cases presented by the person in all programs/ sessions | | Lecturers Presented | Total number of lectures presented by the person in all programs/ sessions |

<aside> ℹ️ Note: Under ‘Program ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ (No. of sessions joined)’ - Program ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ signifies Program Names.

For example, the Organization Report for ‘University of Psychological Sciences’ Hub will have a input field called ‘Master of Science in Autism Diagnosis and Intervention for Adults ECHO program (No. of Sessions)’

  1. You might encounter N.A or 0 data entries in these input fields. Here, ‘N.A’ signifies that the person is not a part of the program and ‘0’ signifies that the person has not attended any session in the program.
  2. Attendance Data may be inaccurate if participants join from outside the iECHO platform, or leave after clicking on "Join Session".
  3. Downloaded Reports are in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. CSV files can be opened in spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.
  4. If a participant is not registered and the user activity status is “Invited”, the data will not be generated. </aside>