iECHO allows you to keep track of all the program-related content in a single online repository, i.e. lecture presentations (didactics), case presentations, articles, research papers, templates, videos, or any other reference material that you would like to share with your participants.

Here’s how You can upload content on iECHO:

  1. Add Content in Session Schedule Page
  2. Add New Content in the Participant Group
  3. Share Content from iECHO

<aside> <img src="/icons/checkmark_green.svg" alt="/icons/checkmark_green.svg" width="40px" /> Note:

  1. Your file must be one of the file types - .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .pptx, .mp3, .ogg, .wav, .mp4, .xlsx, .docx

  2. Size Allowed: 100MB


<aside> 💡 Content Types:

  1. Agenda: A structured outline of topics and activities to be covered during the session, ensuring organized and focused discussions.
  2. Case presentation: A detailed analysis or discussion of a particular case, often presented to illustrate a point or facilitate learning.
  3. Reading material: Documents or resources provided for study or reference purposes.
  4. Subject Matter Expert: Document or resource provided by an individual invited to deliver a lecture or presentation on a specific topic, typically as an expert or specialist in the field.
  5. "Other" content type: Additional materials or resources not specifically categorized within the defined content types, often tailored to specific needs or circumstances.
  6. *Link: URLs ***of resource files and relevant materials. </aside>

Content in Session

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