iECHO simplifies creating a new ECHO program with its intuitive interface and customizable options. It offers easy setup and configuration, allowing you to efficiently tailor the program to your needs and integrate it smoothly into your workflow.
Here’s how you can create and edit Your Program Information:
Once your organization is onboarded as a Hub, iECHO will prompt you to create a new program. A Hub Owner or Admin can create new programs to initiate and manage ongoing activities effectively.
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.Create Program
<aside> ℹ️ **Note:
Program Banner Image**: A descriptive image that would help communicate your program to the audience. Please note: It is good to refer to Project ECHO Brand Guidelines when creating images, particularly concerning logo usage.
Program Name: A descriptive name that will serve as the identity of your program. You must include the word ECHO (in capitals) as part of the program name. Please note, you will not be able to edit the program name later, so please select your name carefully.
Focus Areas: Select the topics/focus areas for your program from our taxonomy. In case you are unable to find a suitable focus area from the list, select Other.