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This article covers the following topics about Creating and Editing a Program:

Creating a Program

Selecting the right focus area

Learn more about program visibility here

Editing a Program

Submitting the Concept Note (applies only to ECHO India Hubs)

Managing Admin Permissions


iECHO makes it easy for you to create a new ECHO program. Simply follow the below steps:

Creating a Program

A Hub owner or admin can create a new program. Follow the below steps:

Learn more about program visibility here

Laptop website view

Editing a Program

Hub owners and Hub admins can edit the program’s name, focus area and description, change the type of program, and certificate issuance capabilities.

To edit a program follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Click on the View More option under ‘ Programs I manage’
  2. Select the program you want to edit, and click on the edit button